On Letting Go | May 2022 Full Moon with The Spiritual Cameleer

May 13, 2022
Tara Lea Spiritual Cameleer Moon Reading

Full moons always give us a chance for a do-over… to let go of things that aren’t serving us, but this full moon eclipse in Scorpio is encouraging us to take a look at our shit, and let go even if it feels hard, awkward, life changing…even ‘clingy’ 


๐ŸŒ• Full Moon dates & times ๐ŸŒ•


USA: 15th May (21:14 LA time)

AUS: 16th May (14:14 Sydney time)

UK: 16th May (5:14 London time)


Being self aware will always bring us back to deeper connections to others, ourselves and of course animals / nature 


As always… take what you need, leave what you don’t need. 


Watch or listen now to delve into this vibes of May 2022 Full-moon

Listen HERE or iTunes Podcast 


Press play & let’s begin…Watch on YouTube or listen on iTunes Podcasts or HERE







No sign holds onto a grudge like Scorpio… So this month it’s time for some deep forgiveness (even if that includes yourself) and let it go finally. 


Time to Let go! let go! let go!


Time to process our deepest fears & old stories keeping you from living your best, most fulfilling life.


Fear only has the power you give it - try my meditation 


What are you holding onto for dear life? 


If you let it go and it comes back it’s yours- if it doesn’t it never was yours. 


Let go & let god / goddess. 


๐ŸŒ€Take advantage of this time to LET GO of any baggage or old stories you’ve been telling yourself, keeping you from your best life!


Watch now to delve into this vibes of May 2022 Full-moon.


Camel Behaviourist, Wellness & Energy Expert 

(AKA #SpiritualCameleer)

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