How Much Land Space Does A Camel Need [Camel Q&A]

Sep 23, 2021
How Much Land Space Does A Camel Need [Camel Q&A]

Having sufficient land space for camels will ultimately improve their wellbeing, but how much space do camels really need…?


Most assume a lot of space, but this is a complex question with a complex answer as we consider the variety of environments that camels are normally domesticated in. 


In this Camel Q&A we look at the different domesticated environments that comes are normally found and offer tips and advice for differing areas.


Most importantly we look at the nutrition value that land does & does not offer, because ultimately a camel is only as healthy as what it’s consuming, so getting this right is very important. 


Most people assume you can put a camel in a domesticated environment and they will thrive because they are a “hardy” and “survival” animal, but new information proves different. 


Tune in now to hear How Much Land Space Does a Camel Need…





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